By David Bacon
t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed
Friday 07 May 2010
San Francisco, California - Federal immigration authorities have pressured one of San Francisco's major building service companies, ABM, into firing hundreds of its own workers. Some 475 janitors have been told that unless they can show legal immigration status, they will lose their jobs in the near future.
ABM has been a union company for decades, and many of the workers have been there for years. "They've been working in the buildings downtown for 15, 20, some as many as 27 years," said Olga Miranda, president of Service Employees Local 87. "They've built homes. They've provided for their families. They've sent their kids to college. They're not new workers. They didn't just get here a year ago."
Nevertheless, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division of the Department of Homeland Security has told ABM that they have flagged the personnel records of those workers. Weeks ago, ICE agents sifted through Social Security records and the I-9 immigration forms all workers have to fill out when they apply for jobs. They then told ABM that the company had to fire 475 workers who were accused of lacking legal immigration status.
ABM is one of the largest building service companies in the country, and it appears that union janitorial companies are the targets of the Obama administration's immigration enforcement program. "Homeland Security is going after employers that are union," Miranda charged. "They're going after employers that give benefits and are paying above the average."
Last October, 1,200 janitors working for ABM were fired in similar circumstances in Minneapolis. In November, over 100 janitors working for Seattle Building Maintenance lost their jobs. Minneapolis janitors belong to SEIU Local 26, Seattle janitors to Local 6 and San Francisco janitors to Local 87.
President Obama said sanctions enforcement targets employers "who are using illegal workers in order to drive down wages - and oftentimes mistreat those workers." An ICE Worksite Enforcement Advisory claimed, "unscrupulous employers are likely to pay illegal workers substandard wages or force them to endure intolerable working conditions."
Curing intolerable conditions by firing or deporting workers who endure them doesn't help the workers or change the conditions, however. And despite Obama's contention that sanctions enforcement will punish those employers who exploit immigrants, employers are rewarded for cooperating with ICE by being immunized from prosecution. Javier Murillo, president of SEIU Local 26, said, "The promise made during the audit is that if the company cooperates and complies, they won't be fined. So this kind of enforcement really only hurts workers."
ICE Director John Morton said the agency is auditing the records of 1,654 companies nationwide. "What kind of economic recovery goes with firing thousands of workers?" Miranda asked. "Why don't they target employers who are not paying taxes, who are not obeying safety or labor laws?"
The San Francisco janitors are now faced with an agonizing dilemma. Should they turn themselves in to Homeland Security, which might charge them with providing a bad Social Security number to their employer, and even hold them for deportation? For workers with families, homes and deep roots in a community, it's not possible to just walk away and disappear. "I have a lot of members who are single mothers whose children were born here," Miranda said. "I have a member whose child has leukemia. What are they supposed to do? Leave their children here and go back to Mexico and wait? And wait for what?"
Miranda's question reflects not just the dilemma facing individual workers, but of 12 million undocumented people living in the United States. Since 2005, successive congress members, senators and administrations have dangled the prospect of gaining legal status in front of those who lack it. In exchange, their various schemes for immigration reform have proposed huge new guest worker programs, and a big increase in exactly the kind of enforcement now directed at 475 San Francisco janitors.
While the potential criminalization of undocumented people in Arizona continues to draw headlines, the actual punishment of workers because of their immigration status has become an increasingly bitter fact of life across the country.
President Obama, condemning Arizona's law that would make being undocumented a state crime, said it would "undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans." But then he announced his support for legislation with guest worker programs and increased enforcement.
The country is no closer to legalization of the undocumented than it was ten years ago. But the enforcement provisions of the comprehensive immigration reform bills debated in Congress over the last five years have already been implemented on the ground. The Bush administration conducted a high-profile series of raids in which it sent heavily-armed agents into meatpacking plants and factories, held workers for deportation and sent hundreds to federal prison for using bad Social Security numbers.
After Barack Obama was elected president, immigration authorities said they'd follow a softer policy, using an electronic system to find undocumented people in workplaces. People working with bad Social Security numbers would be fired.
Ironically the Bush administration proposed a regulation that would have required employers to fire any worker who provided an employer with a Social Security number that didn't match the SSA database. That regulation was then stopped in court by unions, the ACLU and the National Immigration Law Center. The Obama administration, however, is implementing what amounts to the same requirement, with the same consequence of thousands of fired workers.
Union leaders like Miranda see a conflict between the rhetoric used by the president and other Washington, DC, politicians and lobbyists in condemning the Arizona law, and the immigration proposals they make in Congress. "There's a huge contradiction here," she said. "You can't tell one state that what they're doing is criminalizing people, and at the same time go after employers paying more than a living wage and the workers who have fought for that wage."
Renee Saucedo, attorney for La Raza Centro Legal and former director of the San Francisco Day Labor Program, is even more critical. "Those bills in Congress, which are presented as ones that will help some people get legal status, will actually make things much worse," she charged. "We'll see many more firings like the janitors here, and more punishments for people who are just working and trying to support their families."
Increasingly, however, the Washington proposals have even less promise of legalization, and more emphasis on punishment. The newest Democratic Party scheme virtually abandons the legalization program promised by the "bipartisan" Schumer/Graham proposal, saying that heavy enforcement at the border and in the workplace must come before any consideration of giving 12 million people legal status.
"We have to look at the whole picture," Saucedo urged. "So long as we have trade agreements like NAFTA that create poverty in countries like Mexico, people will continue to come here, no matter how many walls we build. Instead of turning people into guest workers, as these bills in Washington would do, while firing and even jailing those who don't have papers, we need to help people get legal status, and repeal the laws that are making work a crime."
For more articles and images, see
See also Illegal People -- How Globalization Creates Migration and Criminalizes Immigrants (Beacon Press, 2008)
Recipient: C.L.R. James Award, best book of 2007-2008
See also the photodocumentary on indigenous migration to the US
Communities Without Borders (Cornell University/ILR Press, 2006)
See also The Children of NAFTA, Labor Wars on the U.S./Mexico Border (University of California, 2004)
jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010
jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010
Todos Somos Arizona!
La Gran Marcha Por Los Derechos Humanos
*This statement was written by the Coalicion por Derechos Humanos in Tucson, AZ on May 1st, 2010.
The Tucson May 1st Coalition and la Coalicion de Derechos Humanos invite the communities of Arizona and of this country to join forces on this historic day as we bear witness to the most serious attacks on our civil and human rights—on our own humanity. We make a call for resistance in our collective fight for liberty and justice for all.
On May Day 2010, in Tucson, Arizona, our community, which has consistently fought against the federal government’s use of Arizona as a laboratory for initiatives, policies, and laws that are anti-immigrant and anti-human, will embrace the mantra that has come from hundreds of calls from across the country, TODOS SOMOS ARIZONA.
This dramatic show of unity and support opens the opportunity to understand that SB 1070 was not born overnight, but rather was the direct and intended result of mid-1990s border enforcement strategies, known as Operation Gatekeeper [in California], Operation Hold the Line and Operation Rio Grande [in Texas], and here in Arizona, Operation Safeguard. Building an unprecedented military-type enforcement infrastructure, these strategies have intentionally funneled most migrants through Arizona’s southern border. By diverting more than half of all migrants who had traditionally crossed through California and Texas into a very conservative state where the federal and local governments own most of the border land (thereby avoiding the community fight-back that occurred along the border in Texas), the stage was set for the eventual passing of SB 1070.
This “surge” in crossings caused division and chaos in the border towns, allowed for the influx of hate groups and other anti-immigrant groups, opened the political space to racist and intolerant voices, with mainstream media feeding the climate of fear, eventually resulting in the election of openly anti-immigrant politicians like Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio, County Attorney Andrew Thomas, and state legislator Russell Pearce. The Minutemen and other anti-immigrant groups proceeded to poison attitudes across the country, resulting in the spread of fear, racism, hate, ignorance, and anti-human policies that other states have replicated or are in process of replicating.
SB 1070 is the most racist law in recent history, allowing for the legalization and institutionalization of racism, their version of “ethnic cleansing.” We know that migration is not a law enforcement or national security issue, that we [the U.S. government and businesses in the past] have encouraged migrants to come to this country to build it, that [U.S. government and corporate policies] have helped to destroy jobs in Mexico and elsewhere only to blame the very victims/survivors who migrate to work and provide for their families, that [as a result, these policies] have created and enriched smuggling organizations, [which then become an excuse for] the unprecedented buildup of policing and military-type enforcement along the border and in the interior of our country. With this law, the stage is set again for even more dramatic calls for more “security.” Our laws and policies have brought only INSECURITY—deaths, division, intolerance and ignorance, environmental destruction, and abuse of indigenous communities.
We call for an end to SB 1070, an end to the enforcement strategies on the border and in our communities, and an end to criminalization of the immigrant. We call for a real dialogue based on truth, addressing the root causes of migration, and promoting justice for all. We call for a commitment of noncompliance with SB 1070, and ask for the commitment from all allies and people of conscience to boycott Arizona in every way. ¡Todos Somos Arizona!
[Note: This statement has been edited somewhat, for purposes of clarification, by George Shriver of the Coalición de Derechos Humanos, the Tucson May 1 Coalition, and the National Writers Union.]
La Gran Marcha Por Los Derechos Humanos
*This statement was written by the Coalicion por Derechos Humanos in Tucson, AZ on May 1st, 2010.
The Tucson May 1st Coalition and la Coalicion de Derechos Humanos invite the communities of Arizona and of this country to join forces on this historic day as we bear witness to the most serious attacks on our civil and human rights—on our own humanity. We make a call for resistance in our collective fight for liberty and justice for all.
On May Day 2010, in Tucson, Arizona, our community, which has consistently fought against the federal government’s use of Arizona as a laboratory for initiatives, policies, and laws that are anti-immigrant and anti-human, will embrace the mantra that has come from hundreds of calls from across the country, TODOS SOMOS ARIZONA.
This dramatic show of unity and support opens the opportunity to understand that SB 1070 was not born overnight, but rather was the direct and intended result of mid-1990s border enforcement strategies, known as Operation Gatekeeper [in California], Operation Hold the Line and Operation Rio Grande [in Texas], and here in Arizona, Operation Safeguard. Building an unprecedented military-type enforcement infrastructure, these strategies have intentionally funneled most migrants through Arizona’s southern border. By diverting more than half of all migrants who had traditionally crossed through California and Texas into a very conservative state where the federal and local governments own most of the border land (thereby avoiding the community fight-back that occurred along the border in Texas), the stage was set for the eventual passing of SB 1070.
This “surge” in crossings caused division and chaos in the border towns, allowed for the influx of hate groups and other anti-immigrant groups, opened the political space to racist and intolerant voices, with mainstream media feeding the climate of fear, eventually resulting in the election of openly anti-immigrant politicians like Maricopa Sheriff Joe Arpaio, County Attorney Andrew Thomas, and state legislator Russell Pearce. The Minutemen and other anti-immigrant groups proceeded to poison attitudes across the country, resulting in the spread of fear, racism, hate, ignorance, and anti-human policies that other states have replicated or are in process of replicating.
SB 1070 is the most racist law in recent history, allowing for the legalization and institutionalization of racism, their version of “ethnic cleansing.” We know that migration is not a law enforcement or national security issue, that we [the U.S. government and businesses in the past] have encouraged migrants to come to this country to build it, that [U.S. government and corporate policies] have helped to destroy jobs in Mexico and elsewhere only to blame the very victims/survivors who migrate to work and provide for their families, that [as a result, these policies] have created and enriched smuggling organizations, [which then become an excuse for] the unprecedented buildup of policing and military-type enforcement along the border and in the interior of our country. With this law, the stage is set again for even more dramatic calls for more “security.” Our laws and policies have brought only INSECURITY—deaths, division, intolerance and ignorance, environmental destruction, and abuse of indigenous communities.
We call for an end to SB 1070, an end to the enforcement strategies on the border and in our communities, and an end to criminalization of the immigrant. We call for a real dialogue based on truth, addressing the root causes of migration, and promoting justice for all. We call for a commitment of noncompliance with SB 1070, and ask for the commitment from all allies and people of conscience to boycott Arizona in every way. ¡Todos Somos Arizona!
[Note: This statement has been edited somewhat, for purposes of clarification, by George Shriver of the Coalición de Derechos Humanos, the Tucson May 1 Coalition, and the National Writers Union.]
martes, 18 de mayo de 2010
Legalizacion o No Re-eleccion! / Legalization or No Re-election!
Discuro por Nativo Vigil Lopez, PRIMERO DE MAYO - Los Angeles 2010
Somos hombres y mujeres libres o somos esclavos. Nosotros somos quienes tenemos que escoger quienes somos y quienes quieremos ser. No obstante todo lo que hacen para tratar de humillarnos, no se puede humillar a aquel que edifica su propia dignidad por si solo y con sus companeros y familia, y sabe quien es, sabe de donde viene y hacia adonde va. Nuestro pueblo es un pueblo trabajador y hemos edificado las economias de este pais y nuestro pais de origen. En realidad somos los verdaderos heroes de las patrias. Sostenemos a dos paises a la misma vez a pesar de ser un pueblo perseguido, atacado, detenido, encarcelado, y orillado por esta sociedad, mal pagado, negado servicios, e ignorados por los lideres politicos - los llamados gobernantes.
Somos trabajadores leales. Somos votantes leales. Somos personas de fe. Somos hombres y mujeres de familia, responsables, y dedicados a progresar.
Merecemos un trato igual y la reforma migratoria que ya llevamos años buscando, luchando por coronar como el premio dorado.
La lucha no ha sido facil, pero tampoco ha sido imposible edificar una nueva vida en este pais. Dicen que Dios aprieta pero no ahorca.
La nueva ley anti-inmigrante, anti-mexicana, anti-latina en Arizona es una infamia que viene quince años despues de semejante experiencia en California con la ley 187. Y como la derrotamos en California no cabe ninguna duda que igualmente la derrotaremos en Arizona. Si tenemos que cerrar el estado de Arizona para derrotar la ley SB1070 con boicoteos, huelgas, paros economicos, huelgas estudiantiles, demandas de corte, boicoteos a los equipos de deportes y mas importante que el pueblo de Arizona rehusa cooperar con las autoridades - esto es lo que estamos llamados a hacer. Sin la cooperacion del pueblo trabajador con el regimen politico gobernante de Arizona no puede haber orden publico y no puede haber paz social. Esta es nuestra fuerza y la tenemos que aplicar. Hay que saber quienes somos, no tener miedo de defendernos pacificamente y con inteligencia, y obligar a las autoridades obedecer a la ley de Dios.
Legalizacion o NO re-eleccion es la consigna que resuena ahora por toda la nacion ya que no se vislumbre una reforma migratoria este año de acuerdo a los ultimos comentarios del Presidente Obama y los lideres de su partido. Decimos que tiene que haber consecuencias por prometer mucho y cumplir poco. Esta es la primera leccion basica en la politica y nadie lo sabe mejor que los mismos politicos. No solo no nos han cumplido, sino peor es que han desatado una ola de represion y persecusion contra nuestras famiilisa jamas visto en dos generaciones.
Se ha levantado mucha critica hacia Arizona por politicos del partido opositor al partido republicano ,y bien merecida, sin embargo, un buen juez por su propia casa empieza. Hacemos un llamado a todos los politicos municipales y estatales de declarar un alto inmediato al decomiso y robo de los carros de nuestra gente, alto a las detenciones y deportaciones, alto a los despidos injustos por faltar documentos o un seguro social legitimo, alto al embargo de las casas causado por el fraude vil cometido por los bancos. Estas son las demandas de nuestro pueblo y haremos todo lo posible por ser leales a ellas. Esta es nuestra mission. Este es nuestro destino y compromiso ante ustedes.
Abajo con Arizona! Abajo con el robo de los carros!
Legalizacion o NO re-eleccion!
Que vivan los hombres y las mujers libres y soberanos!
Speech by Nativo Vigil Lopez, MAY DAY - Los Angeles 2010
We are free men and women or we are slaves. We are the ones who must choose who we are and who we want to be. No matter all that they do to try and humiliate us, they cannot humiliate him who has built his own dignity by himself and with close friends and family; knows who he is, knows from whence he came, and knows where he is headed.
Our people are a working class people and we have built the economy of this country and that of our own country of origin. In reality, we are the real heroes of the nations. We support two countries at the same time even though we are a people that is persecuted, attacked, detained, jailed, isolated by this society, poorly paid, denied services and ignored by the political leaders - the so-called governing class.
We are loyal workers. We are loyal voters. We are persons of faith. We are family men and women, responsible and dedicated to progress.
We deserve a fair and just treatment, and an immigration reform for which we have been searching and struggling for years to crown as a golden prize.
The struggle has not been easy, but it has not been impossible to build a new life in this country. They say that God squeezes but does not strangle.
The new anti-immigrant, anti-Mexican, and anti-Latino law in Arizona is an infamy that comes fifteen years after a similar experience in California with Proposition 187. And, as we defeated it in California there is no doubt that we will also defeat it in Arizona. If we must shut down the state of Arizona to defeat SB1070 with boycotts, strikes, economic shut-downs, student strikes, judicial litigation, boycotts of sports teams and events, and most important, that the people of Arizona refuses to cooperate with the authorities - this is what we are called upon to do. Without the cooperation of working people with the governing political regimen in Arizona, there can be no public order or social peace. This is the power that we have and we must apply it. We must know who we are, have no fear to defend ourselves peacefully and with intelligence, and force the authorities to obey God's law.
Legalization or NO re-election is a slogan that begins to be heard throughout the nation since an immigration reform does not appear on the horizon according to the most recent comments by President Obama and the leaders of his party. We say that there must be consequences for promising much and delivering so little. This is the first basic lesson in politics and no one knows this better than the very politicians. Not only have they not delivered, but worst, they have unleashed a wave of repression and persecution against our families not seen in two generations.
Much criticism has arisen towards Arizona by politicians of the opposing party to the Republican Party, and well deserved, however, a good judge must begin with his own house, according to an old Mexican adage. We make a call to all municipal and state elected officials to declare an immediate halt to all seizures and robbery of the vehicles of our people, a halt to all detentions and deportations, a halt to unjust firings due to the lack of documents or a legitimate social security number, a halt to foreclosures on homes caused by the vil fraud committed by the banks.
These are the demands of our people and we will do all that is possible to be true to them. This is our mission. This is our destiny, and our commitment to you.
Discuro por Nativo Vigil Lopez, PRIMERO DE MAYO - Los Angeles 2010
Somos hombres y mujeres libres o somos esclavos. Nosotros somos quienes tenemos que escoger quienes somos y quienes quieremos ser. No obstante todo lo que hacen para tratar de humillarnos, no se puede humillar a aquel que edifica su propia dignidad por si solo y con sus companeros y familia, y sabe quien es, sabe de donde viene y hacia adonde va. Nuestro pueblo es un pueblo trabajador y hemos edificado las economias de este pais y nuestro pais de origen. En realidad somos los verdaderos heroes de las patrias. Sostenemos a dos paises a la misma vez a pesar de ser un pueblo perseguido, atacado, detenido, encarcelado, y orillado por esta sociedad, mal pagado, negado servicios, e ignorados por los lideres politicos - los llamados gobernantes.
Somos trabajadores leales. Somos votantes leales. Somos personas de fe. Somos hombres y mujeres de familia, responsables, y dedicados a progresar.
Merecemos un trato igual y la reforma migratoria que ya llevamos años buscando, luchando por coronar como el premio dorado.
La lucha no ha sido facil, pero tampoco ha sido imposible edificar una nueva vida en este pais. Dicen que Dios aprieta pero no ahorca.
La nueva ley anti-inmigrante, anti-mexicana, anti-latina en Arizona es una infamia que viene quince años despues de semejante experiencia en California con la ley 187. Y como la derrotamos en California no cabe ninguna duda que igualmente la derrotaremos en Arizona. Si tenemos que cerrar el estado de Arizona para derrotar la ley SB1070 con boicoteos, huelgas, paros economicos, huelgas estudiantiles, demandas de corte, boicoteos a los equipos de deportes y mas importante que el pueblo de Arizona rehusa cooperar con las autoridades - esto es lo que estamos llamados a hacer. Sin la cooperacion del pueblo trabajador con el regimen politico gobernante de Arizona no puede haber orden publico y no puede haber paz social. Esta es nuestra fuerza y la tenemos que aplicar. Hay que saber quienes somos, no tener miedo de defendernos pacificamente y con inteligencia, y obligar a las autoridades obedecer a la ley de Dios.
Legalizacion o NO re-eleccion es la consigna que resuena ahora por toda la nacion ya que no se vislumbre una reforma migratoria este año de acuerdo a los ultimos comentarios del Presidente Obama y los lideres de su partido. Decimos que tiene que haber consecuencias por prometer mucho y cumplir poco. Esta es la primera leccion basica en la politica y nadie lo sabe mejor que los mismos politicos. No solo no nos han cumplido, sino peor es que han desatado una ola de represion y persecusion contra nuestras famiilisa jamas visto en dos generaciones.
Se ha levantado mucha critica hacia Arizona por politicos del partido opositor al partido republicano ,y bien merecida, sin embargo, un buen juez por su propia casa empieza. Hacemos un llamado a todos los politicos municipales y estatales de declarar un alto inmediato al decomiso y robo de los carros de nuestra gente, alto a las detenciones y deportaciones, alto a los despidos injustos por faltar documentos o un seguro social legitimo, alto al embargo de las casas causado por el fraude vil cometido por los bancos. Estas son las demandas de nuestro pueblo y haremos todo lo posible por ser leales a ellas. Esta es nuestra mission. Este es nuestro destino y compromiso ante ustedes.
Abajo con Arizona! Abajo con el robo de los carros!
Legalizacion o NO re-eleccion!
Que vivan los hombres y las mujers libres y soberanos!
Speech by Nativo Vigil Lopez, MAY DAY - Los Angeles 2010
We are free men and women or we are slaves. We are the ones who must choose who we are and who we want to be. No matter all that they do to try and humiliate us, they cannot humiliate him who has built his own dignity by himself and with close friends and family; knows who he is, knows from whence he came, and knows where he is headed.
Our people are a working class people and we have built the economy of this country and that of our own country of origin. In reality, we are the real heroes of the nations. We support two countries at the same time even though we are a people that is persecuted, attacked, detained, jailed, isolated by this society, poorly paid, denied services and ignored by the political leaders - the so-called governing class.
We are loyal workers. We are loyal voters. We are persons of faith. We are family men and women, responsible and dedicated to progress.
We deserve a fair and just treatment, and an immigration reform for which we have been searching and struggling for years to crown as a golden prize.
The struggle has not been easy, but it has not been impossible to build a new life in this country. They say that God squeezes but does not strangle.
The new anti-immigrant, anti-Mexican, and anti-Latino law in Arizona is an infamy that comes fifteen years after a similar experience in California with Proposition 187. And, as we defeated it in California there is no doubt that we will also defeat it in Arizona. If we must shut down the state of Arizona to defeat SB1070 with boycotts, strikes, economic shut-downs, student strikes, judicial litigation, boycotts of sports teams and events, and most important, that the people of Arizona refuses to cooperate with the authorities - this is what we are called upon to do. Without the cooperation of working people with the governing political regimen in Arizona, there can be no public order or social peace. This is the power that we have and we must apply it. We must know who we are, have no fear to defend ourselves peacefully and with intelligence, and force the authorities to obey God's law.
Legalization or NO re-election is a slogan that begins to be heard throughout the nation since an immigration reform does not appear on the horizon according to the most recent comments by President Obama and the leaders of his party. We say that there must be consequences for promising much and delivering so little. This is the first basic lesson in politics and no one knows this better than the very politicians. Not only have they not delivered, but worst, they have unleashed a wave of repression and persecution against our families not seen in two generations.
Much criticism has arisen towards Arizona by politicians of the opposing party to the Republican Party, and well deserved, however, a good judge must begin with his own house, according to an old Mexican adage. We make a call to all municipal and state elected officials to declare an immediate halt to all seizures and robbery of the vehicles of our people, a halt to all detentions and deportations, a halt to unjust firings due to the lack of documents or a legitimate social security number, a halt to foreclosures on homes caused by the vil fraud committed by the banks.
These are the demands of our people and we will do all that is possible to be true to them. This is our mission. This is our destiny, and our commitment to you.
jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010
Miles marchan en el 1ro de mayo
Este 1ro de mayo, marcharon cientos de miles de personas alredador del pais. En ciudades como Nueva York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Minneapolis, Tucson, y muchas mas, la comunidad inmigrante salio a las calles para exigir un cambio en el sistema de inmigracion y respeto para los derechos civiles de todos los inmigrantes del pais.
Eso era una de las demonstraciones de gente latina mas grande desde las grandisimos marchas del año 2006. La gente que salio a la calle este primero de mayo exigio no solo una reforma migratoria, sino tambien una legalizacion para todos y un fin a las redades y deportaciones. Las marchas tambien exigieron en voz fuerte un fin a las leyes racistas y represivas como el nuevo ley SB 1070 en Arizona. La comunidad latina mostro que no va a permitir que pasen mas leyes parecidas en otros partes del pais.
La comunidad latina ya mostro lo que quiere este 1ro de mayo. Ahora hay que seguir organizando en nuestros comunidades inmigrantes alredador del pais para lograr una sociedad mas justa para todos y todas. ¡La lucha sigue!
Eso era una de las demonstraciones de gente latina mas grande desde las grandisimos marchas del año 2006. La gente que salio a la calle este primero de mayo exigio no solo una reforma migratoria, sino tambien una legalizacion para todos y un fin a las redades y deportaciones. Las marchas tambien exigieron en voz fuerte un fin a las leyes racistas y represivas como el nuevo ley SB 1070 en Arizona. La comunidad latina mostro que no va a permitir que pasen mas leyes parecidas en otros partes del pais.
La comunidad latina ya mostro lo que quiere este 1ro de mayo. Ahora hay que seguir organizando en nuestros comunidades inmigrantes alredador del pais para lograr una sociedad mas justa para todos y todas. ¡La lucha sigue!
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